Dear Readers,

Fran Farley, M.D.
I’m pleased to have this opportunity to share in this special edition celebrating Shriners Children’s centennial anniversary.
One hundred years ago, the world was far different than it is today. Yet, some things remain the same – including our commitment to providing high-quality, customized care to our patients, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. We also remain determined to respond to unmet medical needs of children, conduct groundbreaking medical research that will one day lead to new and improved medical treatments and offer outstanding educational opportunities for medical professionals.
Over the last century, Shriners Children’s has given hope and healing to more than 1.5 million children all over the world. Our hospitals were the first to specifically treat children with burn injuries, and we offered the first programs in the U.S. designed for children with spinal cord injuries. We continue to add new approaches and services as specialized pediatric medicine evolves. Our researchers and medical and clinical staff continue to create innovative medications, treatments and approaches that become the standard of care.
As we look toward our second hundred years, we know medical care and the way it is delivered will continue to change with the times. We also know that our patients and families will remain our first priority and that we will continue to do all we can to ensure our patients discover that they can chase their dreams and have amazing futures.
Fran Farley, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Shriners Children’s
Dear Readers,

Mel Bower
As we mentioned in the spring edition, 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of Shriners Children’s.
In this expanded edition of Leaders in Care, we are honoring and celebrating our healthcare system’s incredible history of generosity, compassion, growth, exploration and innovation. We invite you to join us for a look back and a glimpse at where we are headed as we begin our second century of putting patients first and providing The Most Amazing Care Anywhere.
We are also celebrating the 150th anniversary of Shriners International, the fraternity that founded and continues to support Shriners Children’s as its official philanthropy. We owe the fraternity – and its leaders in 1922 – a tremendous debt of gratitude and respect for their vision and commitment to providing quality pediatric specialty care to children, regardless of their families’ ability to pay.
That is still our mission today. And as we look to the future, we are working to bring the next phase – Vision 2035 – to fruition. We intend to Reach More Kids in More Places.
We look forward to continuing to share this incredible journey of improving and transforming the lives of children and families – wherever they may live – with you.
Mel Bower
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
Shriners Children’s